Just as the name implies, AQUA-PH instantly and permanently raises the pH of water by approximately 2 full points to make it more alkaline. There are other methods such as water ionizers that do not permanently raise the pH, and the water reverts back to the previous pH (in some cases, in a matter of hours.)
For example, when AQUA-PH is added to distilled or R.O water with a starting pH of 7, the water would be changed to a pH of 9. Drinking alkaline water helps support pH balance in the blood as well as in the body. Drinking very acidic liquids such as soft drinks and eating only cooked, canned, and processed foods can put stress on our body’s ability to maintain pH levels. Drinking alkaline AQUA-PH treated water can help to offset these acidic influences and help the body maintain a more balanced pH.
MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF WATERWhen AQUA-PH is added to any non-chlorinated drinking water the very molecules of the water are restructured, resulting in a more hydrating water. Water is not just a bunch of H2O molecules floating around in liquid form. H2O molecules like to connect to other H2O molecules causing a bond that resembles a bunch of grapes usually containing about 14 to 16 H2O molecules. Typical water restructuring involves breaking these clusters in half. With AQUA-PH the clusters are reorganized into single molecules attached to each other in a structure that would resemble a train. Each water molecule is attached to another, then another in a long string of molecules. This means they enter the cells one at a time which is the smallest possible way leading to maximum hydration* Plus this increase in hydration helps the cells function optimally.