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AFH Ionic Aqua-Silver is the modern version of mankind's oldest natural anti-microbial agent. We have progressed from using silver coins in the past to preserve milk and water, to using it as a dietary supplement today.

The historical use of silver is long and indisputable. For thousands of years, it has been used for the same reasons we are using it now in our Aqua-Silver supplement. From the earliest history of mankind, silver has been used in the making of food and drink vessels, as well as eating utensils.

Today, silver is being used in swimming pool filters, food cutting boards, bandages, burn dressings, and water filters for NASA. Ionic Aqua-Silver contains only mineral and distilled water and is not a salt, iodide, protein, or gelatinous based product. Ionic Aqua-Silver is a germicide and is tasteless, non-toxic and can be taken orally or applied externally. The EPA's Poison Control Center reports no toxicity listing for colloidal silver and considers it harmless in any concentration. Aqua-Silver is the safest and best all-around natural germ fighter.

Ionic Aqua-Silver is tasteless, odorless, non-stinging and non-burning to sensitive tissues - even a baby's eyes. It may be taken orally, applied directly to cuts, scrapes, open sores, warts or used as a rinse for acne, eczema and other skin irritations. It may be gargled, dropped into eyes or ears, or inhaled into the nose.

We get silver and all minerals into the body through the food we eat. It gets into our food through living, healthy soil. Plants convert raw minerals to colloidal form. When we eat the plants, our bodies utilize the colloidal minerals gathered by the plants. These minerals enter the blood stream and are taken to the various organs of our body. Hence, we get silver from plants.

If digestion and assimilation are weak, or as the tissues age, we may develop a silver deficiency, and thus an impaired immune system. Also, many of our soils have been stripped of trace minerals through poor agricultural practices, which also cause deficiencies and subsequent health problems.

The body has an innate ability to rejuvenate and restore itself to optimum health. When taken daily, Aqua-Silver acts an optimal immune system supporter by helping the body fight invaders.

There’s a lot of misinformation out there about silver products, and if you’ve done any research, it can be confusing at best.

Ionic Silver is measured in PPM or parts per million. We make our Ionic Aqua-Silver at 10ppm from 99.99% pure silver ions… with the only other ingredient being purified water. Properly made, ionic colloidal silver consists of 85-97% silver ions, nanoparticles consisting of single atoms minus an electron, less than 0.0003 microns in diameter. 10ppm is best for both internal and external use.  We make colloidal silver ions which is Ionic Silver. (Not silver colloids)

Ionic nanoparticles are quickly released into the body to attach more efficiently to pathogens to quickly wipe them out. About 80% of these will bind to the body’s ample supply of chloride particles to form inert silver chloride particles which are then excreted from the body carrying the harmful pathogens with them.

Only nanoparticles can survive within the body, and the remaining roughly 20% of the particles have a longer-term effect inside the body providing a kind of a time release mechanism to manage any new or remaining pathogens within the body.

This is the reason we recommend a larger dose to start (typically for a week or two) to address more immediate needs and to initially regulate the immune system. Afterwards, a lower, more regulated daily dose is advised to maintain your immune system and fight off new invaders. The higher dose can be reintroduced at any time to combat a new occurrence such as a cut, burn, internal abnormality, virus, or bacterial infection, etc. Once the immediate problem or flare-up is brought under control, the lower maintenance dose may be resumed as a preventative.


 However you choose to use it, Ionic Silver is not a product that has ever been known to produce any adverse effects. In fact, there are no recorded side effects in medical literature from the use of Ionic Silver. Additionally, there has never been a recorded case of a drug interaction. It is non-addicting, the body does not build up a tolerance to it, and studies show that colloidal silver is not deposited under the skin like other silver protein compounds that may cause gray or bluish skin.

Follow the label directions for the recommended range – use the higher dose for addressing immediate concerns, and the lesser recommended dosage for daily maintenance.

  • Ionic Aqua-Silver will not cause argyria, a discoloration of the skin caused by some forms of silver. 
  • Argyria is caused by silver protein products.
  • Ionic Aqua-Silver does not interact or interfere with any medications.
  • Contains only pure water and pure silver.
  • Tasteless liquid, like water.






Save with our CLUB TRIO including our alkaline enhancing AQUA-PH and fulvic mineral electrolyte AQUA-MIN - a Trio from the Club that can't be beat!




*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to    

diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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