• Prevents periodontal disease
• Promotes faster wound healing
• Slows the degenerative process of aging
• Diabetic retinopathy
• Stimulates the immune system
• Protects the liver from toxic materials that result in tissue damage
RED RASPBERRIES are a prime source of ellagitannins and, when digested, produce the naturally occurring phytochemical, ellagic acid. Ellagic acid is one of the phytochemicals showing great promise in cancer research and prevention.
The American Cancer Society published a "Guide to Complementary and Alternative Cancer Methods" and has documented that Ellagic Acid is a very promising natural supplement because it causes apoptosis (cell death) of cancer cells in lab tests, with no change to normal healthy cells.
ELLAGIC ACID is a polyphenol, a class of phytochemical that is found in red raspberries. As scientists study the beneficial, biologically active components of plants and foods, they have uncovered a lot besides just vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Phytochemicals, meaning "plant chemicals," are the big news now.
Some phytochemicals are antioxidants -- that is, they protect cells from damage by free radicals, which are by-products of the processing of oxygen in living organisms. Others may lower the risk of heart disease by reducing inflammation, inhibiting blood clots, or preventing the oxidation of LDL ("bad") cholesterol. Some phytochemicals not only act as antioxidants, but also help prevent the formation of cancer-causing chemicals and/or suppress cancer development.
ELLAGIC ACID is a super antioxidant and researchers are beginning to hail it as a potent anti-carcinogen which protects the cells against free radical damage. It is also a very powerful anti-viral and anti-bacterial agent.
ELLAGIC ACID has the ability to inhibit mutations within a cell's DNA. It is also considered to be a cancer inhibitor which can cause apoptosis or normal death in many different types of cancer cells.
The American Cancer Society Guide goes on to say: "Some also claim it prevents the binding of carcinogens to DNA, and strengthens connective tissue, which may keep cancer cells from spreading. Ellagic acid has also been said to reduce heart disease, birth defects, liver fibrosis, and to promote wound healing."
Razzy-Max is produced using the finest Meeker red raspberries. The raspberries are concentrated using a proprietary process and standardized to at least 20% Ellagic Acid concentration.
Our raw materials are never heated; thus, they retain all their other naturally occurring phenolic compounds and ellagitannins.
Our standardized raw material guarantees our customers a product with consistency and effectiveness in every bottle. The only thing we add to this pure 100% red raspberry extract is a healthy proprietary fruit blend for added phytochemical benefit.
If somebody asked you to name ten vitamins and minerals and some food sources of them, you probably could do it. And you understand fiber -- what Grandmother called roughage. But as scientists study the beneficial, biologically active components of foods and plants, they have uncovered a lot besides vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
Phytochemicals, meaning "plant chemicals," are the big news now. More than 4,000 have been identified. One huge class is the polyphenols, of which Ellagic Acid is one. The first job of phytochemicals is to benefit the plants. Some phytochemicals are antioxidants -- that is, they protect cells from damage by free radicals, which are by-products of the processing of oxygen in living organisms.
Like people, plants need antioxidants to survive in our oxygen-rich environment. Plant antioxidants stabilize cell chemistry and protect plants from the damaging effects of oxygen, sunlight, and other factors. We, in turn, can use many of these antioxidants in the same way.
Some phytochemicals not only act as antioxidants, but also help prevent the formation of cancer-causing chemicals and/or suppress cancer development. Others may lower the risk of heart disease by reducing inflammation, inhibiting blood clots, or preventing the oxidation of LDL ("bad") cholesterol.
The versatility of phytochemicals is one reason experts keep advising that you base your diet on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Choose deeply colored foods whenever you can -- they are always rich in phytochemicals.
Scientists have come up with different scales for rating the antioxidant capabilities of fruits and vegetables. For instance, researchers from Cornell University have devised the "bioactivity index," taking into account not only antioxidant activity, but also the ability to suppress cancer cells.
One of the pioneers in cancer prevention research is Dr. Daniel Nixon. Dr. Nixon's lab at the Hollings Cancer Institute in the Medical University of South Carolina has examined the ability of Ellagic Acid to prevent colon and cervical cancers from developing. Preliminary evidence generated by his team of researchers has indicated that Ellagic Acid can slow the proliferation of both human colon and cervical cancer cells grown in experimental systems outside of the body.
Ellagic Acid is a super antioxidant and a potent anti-carcinogen which protects the cells against free radical damage. It is also a very powerful anti-viral and anti-bacterial agent.
Ellagic Acid can inhibit mutations within a cell's DNA. It is also considered to be a cancer inhibitor which can cause apoptosis or normal death in many different types of cancer cells.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.