• Super Antioxidant
• Highest ORAC Rating Available
AFH RESVERA-MAX provides the most potent antioxidant solution available today. It has an ORAC Score of 125,010 per bottle, or 4,167 per serving. With this much antioxidant activity, Resvera-Max provides you with the equivalent of 12.8 servings of fruits and vegetables in every dose!
Taking a daily supplement that contains a wide range of fruit and vegetable phytochemicals – antioxidants - is vital to protect your health in today’s world.
ORAC, short for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, is a test tube analysis that measures the total antioxidant power of foods and nutritional compounds.
Phyto is a Greek word that means plant. A phytochemical is a natural bioactive compound found in plant foods that works with nutrients to protect against disease. Phytochemicals create a complementary and overlapping mechanism of action in the body, including antioxidant effects and stimulation of the immune system.
The potent raw materials contained in Resvera-Max are formulated using standardized natural ingredients in a proprietary process, allowing us to maximize the highest possible levels of antioxidants. This process sets our Super-ORAC product apart from the rest.
"Very few individuals, if any, reach their potential maximum life span. They die instead prematurely of a wide variety of diseases - the vast majority being "free radical" diseases." -Denham Harman M.D., Ph.D.
Free radicals are molecules that are over-reactive because they are unbalanced electronically (they contain an unpaired electron.) In the attempt to become balanced, they rob electrons from the molecules that make up the cells in your body, thus damaging or destroying them.
Controllable amounts of free radicals are formed during normal cellular functions, but excess free radicals can result from drugs, air pollution, tobacco smoke, pesticides, herbicides, chemicals in our food and water, allergic reactions, emotional upsets, excessive exercise, and even an excess of certain dietary substances.
Free radicals damage cell structure and reduce the cell's ability to function. One example is aged, leathery skin. Here the cell walls have become rigid due to free radical damage. Just as a metal fence can rust with age, our bodies are "rusting" due to damage from free radicals.
Fortunately, there are available natural nutrients, called antioxidants that can help protect against free radical damage. They offer a powerful nutritional tool to prevent illness and to slow down aging. Examples of antioxidant nutrients are Vitamins A, C & E and the minerals zinc and selenium.
Proanthocyanins are one of the most valuable nutrients you can consume to make you look and feel better. By helping to deactivate free radicals, malfunctions of the circulatory and immune systems are diminished, and aging slows.
The latest discovery is a super potent antioxidant commonly known as Oligomeric Proanthocyanins (OPCs). These active ingredients are the most potent, natural, free radical scavengers found to date. In tests done to measure the ability of substances to neutralize free radicals, proanthocyaninsproved to be 20 times more powerful than Vitamin C and 50 times more powerful than Vitamin E!
OPCs flow through the blood stream to fight free radical damage caused by pollution, high-fat diets, stress and sunlight. But that's just the beginning of OPC's benefits. OPCs offer improvements in physical conditioning, skin, blood, and eyes while studies indicate the potential of combating degenerative diseases, cancers, symptoms of PMS and aging.
OPCs are natural anti-inflammatories and have been shown to reduce post-operative healing time. With Resvera-Max, you will ultimately feel better, think more clearly and enjoy much more energy!
Oligomeric Proanthocyanins are water-soluble and so are easily utilized by the body. Within 20 minutes much of it is absorbed and on the way to your tissues. They remain in the body for 72 hours where they affix themselves to both the inside and the outside of cell membranes, protecting them from free radicals and destructive enzymes. They also work with other vitamins. For example, they reinforce the function of vitamin C and actually help vitamin C stay active longer.
All proanthocyanins, whether they are extracted from pine bark, grape seed, grape skin, are naturally bioavailable. That means they can be rapidly absorbed and transported throughout the body. Within one hour of ingestion, OPC's can be detected in human saliva. Testing suggests that OPCs have bioavailability levels as high as 95%. Resvera-Max contains 400 mg of these fantastic OPCs!
AFH RESVERA-MAX delivers the power of all these flavonoids in a convenient, alcohol-free form to help your body fight free radicals and the damage they cause. Our unique process, which uses only natural ingredients, makes Resvera-Max environmentally friendly to produce, as no toxic chemicals go down the drain.
Most of us are by now familiar with the many reported health benefits of consuming Green Tea. In fact, few botanicals have been as extensively studied for their cardiovascular and antioxidant/protective benefits.
In laboratory antioxidant tests, green tea has been shown to have one of the highest ORAC values (a measure of antioxidant potency developed by researchers at the US Department of Agriculture) of any natural product. Resvera-Max provides 333 mg of standardized extract of premium green tea leaf.
Add to all this a proprietary blend of powerful phytochemicals, including Astragalus root, N-acetyl-L-cysteine, citrus bioflavonoids, Ginkgo biloba leaf extract, L-glutathione, L-methionine, milk thistle seed, and odor-controlled garlic, and you have the most potent, effective super antioxidant available anywhere.
AFH Resvera-Max is unmatched in its protective phytonutrient content and gives you a powerful antioxidant punch. Compare Resvera-Max with any similar product to plainly see the unmistakable difference our product offers!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.